
Adding a Short Answer Question

In the following scenario, the user creates a Short Answer (SA) question.

Figure illustrates a partially filled SA question (see Adding a Question section for more information). The test-maker has chosen to create a SA type question.

Figure Partially filled SA question form

The Question text box is where the test-maker writes the question.

Instead of a typical Answer section, the SA question type has an Answer Notes section. Because a short answer can’t be graded by our grader, it must be graded by the test-maker. To aid in this process, the test-maker can provide answer notes to him/herself such that they remember what the answer criteria is.

After pressing the Submit button, the program verifies all the necessary information is written down. If it passes, the test-maker has created their question! Figure illustrates what a SA question might look like in the end.

Figure Filled in SA question form

Figure illustrates what the Question Bank will look like after the SA question has been created, following previous scenarios.

Figure Updated Question Bank with SA question